Tag: short story

  • The Binding

    Tari woke up, not easing out of sleep and slowly becoming aware, but abruptly, like the snapping of a string, her body tense and mind seeking information. Her kyr-marks rolled in waves, dancing madly as they stretched and expanded off her skin into the ground and air to confirm what her five senses already told…

  • Wings That Carry Your Over The Waves

    Wings That Carry Your Over The Waves

    As Luina marched up the mountain path, her eyes lingered on the ocean, rolling in gentle red waves as if caressing the base of the white stone spires jutting out from its depths. The sky was a clear blue, with soft sprinkles of white clouds. Luina swallowed down the bitterness in her mouth and stared…

  • The World Moves in Small Moments

    The room was silent, except for the light drip-drop sound of bright amber liquid filtering through the orange flowers in the extractor, which filled the room with the sweet aroma of mulin.

  • Unease in The Stars

    …“Killing hundreds of people in an instant, or saving them all by instantly creating life support systems, unique to each species, and able to withstand the vacuum of space. … Life or death in the wave of a hand.

  • A New Dawn

    The sound of the wind was deafening, and the pale blue snow flew around with such intensity that it seemed like they were walking through a cloud. Kraglar hunched his shoulder and continued to push through the storm. He glanced back, and though he could hardly make out their silhouettes through the blizzard, he knew…

  • Fragile Monuments

    Fragile Monuments

    “Will you remember me?” The boy’s voice was light and airy, like pillows filled with feathers, and bright light blocked his face from view. “Of course!” Relia said, eyes burning with certainty. There was no way she would ever forget him. “Are you sure?” “Yes, silly. No matter how much time passes, I’ll always remember…

  • Subtle Corrections

    Subtle Corrections

    The evening air was filled with the sound of thousands of people laughing, talking, and having a good time. Everyone’s faces were filled with mirth, and it seemed impossible that there could be a single sad soul among the crowd. Merchants rang bells and raised their voices to attract customers to their stalls. The scent…

  • Red Desert

    Red Desert

    They said that if you made it across the red desert, you would arrive in a land of blue rock. Vivin didn’t even know what blue looked like, but he figured he would know it when he saw it. His whole life had been the dry red earth stretching into the far taunting horizon of…

  • Eternal and Ephemeral

    Eternal and Ephemeral

    A gentle breeze blew through the flowers and grass in the garden. The movement of the bell arconen flowers created the lovely ringing sound they were named for as their lustrous pink blooms waved in the wind.

  • Finding the Light, Part 2 – The Forest Floor

    Finding the Light, Part 2 – The Forest Floor

    Ouzin had run as fast as his feet could carry him, but with the roots, large bushes, and branches, he couldn’t get as far as he felt was safe. Even with his enhanced vision, the darkness of the forest floor was imposing, so he created little lights and used them to guide him through the…